Summer Solstice: Rock Art workshop
Make your mark in this drop-in session
Time: Drop-in sessions from 10:30 - 13:00, 14:30 - 15:00, 15:30 - 16:00
Thousands of years ago people made their mark on the landscape of Ireland through prehistoric rock art. The motifs they carved are often referred to as cup and ring marks, with other shapes of spirals, lozenges and zig-zags featuring on Neolithic passage graves.
Were these decorated rocks meant to be route markers giving directions? Were they places of worship within prehistoric society? Or were they the work of a Neolithic artist expressing themselves?
Drop into Discover History and join our ‘story circles’ about this prehistoric mystery, then have a go at creating your very own rock art motif.
Suitable for all ages and ability.
Image Credit: Reyfad, Six Decorated Stones, FER 210-013. Detail of cup and ring marks on the Reyfad stones. © Crown DfC Historic Environment Division