Inclusive Global Histories - Curator Tours
To mark Refugee Week 2023 and Windrush 75, we're exploring our culturally diverse society at Ulster Museum with two Curator Tours.
14:00 - 14:30
Starting outside the ‘Inclusive Global Histories’ gallery on the first floor, join our Curator of Modern History, Tríona White Hamilton, for a tour of the exhibition. Inclusive Global Histories has allowed Ulster Museum to re-evaluate its World Cultures collection, to better understand the complex global stories of some 4,500 items. How and why they came to be in Northern Ireland? The ways in which they connect to our audiences? What are the options for these items in the future?
14:30 - 15:00
Starting outside the ‘Inclusive Global Histories’ gallery on the first floor, our Curator of Modern History, Tríona White Hamilton, will take you on a tour of some of our permanent art, history and natural science galleries. Reviewing object displays and labels is an important process at the museum, and there are improvements being made as we view our collections, and our interpretive approach, through an Inclusive Global History lens.
These tours are drop-in events with no booking required. Everyone welcome!