The Body: Amanda Croft Lecture Series
Book TicketsDate
17th January to 28th March 2023
Time: 11:00 to 12:00
The Body has been examined and defined, manipulated and interpreted by artists from medieval times to the present. By looking at classical, gendered, reclining, moving, performing, naked and nude figures, we will investigate how artists have responded to the human body from a variety of aesthetic, social and historical perspectives.
This is a ten week lecture series taking place in Ulster Museum Lecture Theatre.
- The ten lectures will run every Tuesday from Tuesday 17th January to 28th March 2023.
- There will be a mid term break so class will not happen on Tuesday 7th March 2023
- Tickets are £50.00 (£40.00 concession) for the series of 10 lectures.
Please book your tickets through the link above.
Image: Colin Harrison A and the Dog 1974